
At Evolufy Africa, the future for us is bright. We are not just looking at being a charity organization. We are becoming much more than that. We are redefining what impact-driven NGO means. For us, Africa is not just a continent. It is not just a beautiful place with beautiful countries and green landscapes or the animals. It is about people - the future of Africa. We want to impact the next generation by creating the support and mentorship needed to go the massive way. We are working as people with the vision into what Africa is really about.

This is why our projects are centred around our beliefs

Here is a list of our current projects at  Evolufy Africa.


1. The Orange Programme

For us

2. The Maendeleo Africa Fellowship

Yearly, we host

3. Children Christmas Party

Since 2016, we have hosted 6 annual children parties across major cities ans states in Nigeria including Ile-Ife, Ilorin, Lagos. These different parties were before our relaunch and rebrand from the Dellasdiary Foundation to Evolufy Africa. Now as a core project, we are taking the Children Christmas Party to the next phase

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